Wednesday, July 1, 2009

just a few of my favorite pics

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

okay kari :)

so life as a mother... so far i love it. She sleeps well at night. Around 4 hours at a time. She rarely cries usually only when she needs to burp. She is starting to eat a ton :) you can hear her gulping it down. she hates baths, how often are we supposed to bath her? Whenever she is awake she just looks around and smiles every once in awhile. She's just a very happy baby.

Friday, April 24, 2009

This is just some baby stuff and me at 36 weeks

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

last night

So last night me and Nate were lying in bed and i was telling him how Lily didn't kick that much today. So he starts poking my stomach and saying her name. She responded within 10 seconds! Nate got soooo excited and kept talking and she kept kicking. Then he went to bed and it took her a half hour to calm down enough to let me go to sleep... the stinker! I have another appt today, wager how much i will gain?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Doc Appt

So i had a doctors appt on Tuesday. It went well, she said i have to start going every 2 weeks now. I also have to do my diabetic test next time so i get to starve myself for 4 hours. And i gained 9 lbs in 4 weeks. My doc wasn't very happy with me. She said i need to exercise more and est healthier food. I go for a walk like 4 days out of the week and i'm always eating fruit... but for some reason i'm gaining weight like crazy. Do you know when the latest i can fly? Nate said i can go to moms if i fly... he wants the car :) Another thing... Toby is turning into Michael Jackson... he's turning pink! His lips, the skin around his eyes, and even the pads on his paws are turning pink. I dont know if that is some type of disease or something so if you have heard of that before let me know... its freaking me out a bit.

Friday, January 30, 2009

here is Deshawn... he looks innocent, but he's not!

Catch up

So i haven't written in awhile so where to begin? This week Nate had an exercise and had to work 12 hour shifts. Monday i get a call from NAte around 10:00am to inform me someone was on their way to our house to pick me up so i could take him to the E.R. He wouldn't tell me why until i got there. He was having bad chest pains. So off to the E.R. we went. We sat for 1 hour to get a room, and another hour for the doc to even come in the room. He ordered chest x-rays and again we waited... After the chest x-rays the doctor came in. You could tell he was in a hurry and wouldn't listen to what Nate was saying. He told Nate his chest was fine without any good explanations. So we left feeling worried and annoyed. So this morning i awoke at 7 am to a phone call of Nate telling me hes going back to the E.R. He says i don't have to go but of course i'm worried. This time we didn't have to wait as long and they actually did some blood tests and hooked him up to a heart monitor. The doctor was really nice and explained things to us simple minded folk :) It ended up being Pleurisy... Pleurisy is swelling (inflammation) of the thin layers of tissue (pleura) covering the lungs and the chest wall... copy and paste gotta love it. So it has been a very fun week. On happier note i got a story of my cats... sad i know... So i went grocery shopping and the first thing i do when i get home is put away my bread because my cats always get into it. well i went over to a friends house that night and took hotdogs and buns. when i got back i forgot to put the buns away... see where this is going?I woke up and found the bag of buns in my living room with holes all over it and the bread inside torn to crumbs. i know it was Deshawn... i just can't prove it. And thats my cat story... even as i'm typing hes sitting on my desk staring at the screen... he's such a weird little thing. We went over to our friends house tonight and they have the Wii fit game. so i did it and found out my weight... I have gained a total of 18 lbs... thats 7 lbs since my last doctors appt... i don't think that is very healthy. but what do i know. it is my first one. I have been walking more this week, i found a place behind the softball park where i can let the dogs off the leash and just walk. They love it. i haven't seen them so excited in awhile. I took 3 walks this week. For me that's good but i do need to go more. I guess thats all for now... sorry nothing exciting. for my one and only reader :) love you kari